My Renovation Blog

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stomach Update

So my GI called yesterday with my CT Scan results...he said it looks normal except for multiple gallstones (which I already knew about).  So colonoscopy: clear.  Stool samples: clear.  CT Scan: clear.  He has no idea what is wrong with me.  It's getting ridiculous really.  The last thing we are doing is a 24 urine sample to make sure it's not a carcinoid tumor (which should show up on a scan but can be hidden).  I think I just need to give up eating.  It will serve two purposes...stop me from going to the bathroom 35 times a day, and get me back to my normal weight! ;)

I'm also just OVER being gluten free.  Over it.  I'm tired of worrying about whether the sauce has gluten.  Bringing my own soy sauce to a sushi place.  Watching everyone else enjoy "normal" food while I eat one of the five choices that are GF.  Craving a regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Over it.  I know you can't be over a disease, and ignoring it can have serious consequences, but it's even harder when you don't have symptoms.  I will admit, I ate regular soy sauce over the weekend because I forgot to bring my own, and I wasn't going to sit there and not eat (sushi w/o soy is nasty- I tried it).  You know what happened?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  I felt fine.  Now, I know that this no doubt wreaked havoc on my insides, but I didn't feel it.  Blah.


  1. I know you probably have already checked this but could it be kidney stones. Some of your symptoms seem like my Mom's when she had an attack. Also, my secretary had gallstones and needed surgery. Again, similar symptoms to yours.

  2. Ugh...I'm so sorry you're going through this! I hope they can figure this all out.
