My Renovation Blog

Sunday, August 8, 2010

10 Months Old

That's right...we're just TWO months away from having a one year old!  This kid gets more of a personality every single day.  It's so fun to watch her grow, change, learn.
We don't have a doctor's appointment this week, but we did some unofficial measurements today, and she hasn't grown at all since last month! She still weighs 19-19.5 pounds and is 28 inches. She pretty much wears 6-12 month or 12 month clothing. She is still in a size 3 diaper. Eats the same too...four 6 oz. bottles a day and solids 3 times a day. It's so easy to give her jarred purees and pastas that we pretty much do those all the time.
She is crawling, pulling up and cruising a little bit along the couch. She is still super friendly and doesn't have even an ounce of stranger anxiety. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't like, and she gets bored easily. She is still in love with Rylee, but we're trying to teach her "gentle" because poor Rylee is losing hair in chunks.
We are lucky that she is very easy to take out with us because we really just love being with her. She is our little buddy, and we prefer to be with her than without her! I'm sure we'll eventually be longing for those dates nights alone, but right now, we just want to be with her as much as possible. :)


  1. 10 months?!?! Crazy!!! Super cute photos!!! Adorable top!! Did you make it?

  2. So cute! Love her outfit. Teaching them to be gentle with the pets is a challenge, isn't it? They are just so excited and want to grab!

  3. No, I didn't make that one, but I did get it off Etsy!

  4. Aw, she's so beautiful! Her hair is really coming in!!
