My Renovation Blog

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Better Update

Since I was bored on bedrest, I of course decided to do some research on preeclampsia (never a good idea), and I found out about HELLP Syndrome, which is related to but more serious than pre-e.  I convinced myself that I definitely had it last time, and that I'm probably getting it this time since I have most of the symptoms already AND it doesn't require high blood pressure and protein in your urine like pre-e does.  So naturally, I'm totally freaked out all day yesterday!

BUT, my OB's office called me late yesterday and said all my labs came back good!  I specifically asked her if they tested for low platelet count and elevated liver enzymes (which are present with HELLP), and she said, "they look good- that is what Dr. K was most concerned with".  Phew!  And I so love my OB.  Clearly, she was aware I'm showing symptoms of HELLP and is on top of it.  Love her!

So, I think we're still on a good path to keeping this baby in past November!  Yay!  Now, if I can just figure out a way to get off bedrest, I'll be good to go.  :)

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