We have two projects going on right now...re-decorating our master bedroom (I know exactly what I want) and doing Ella's "big girl" room (I have NO idea what I want). Well, I guess really three projects since I'm also planning E's 2nd birthday, but that's a whole 'nother issue.
I'm having the hardest time finding inspiration for E's BGR, and I don't know why. I usually have no problem knowing exactly what I like and want when it comes to decorating. I think two problems are that (1) I can't find any furniture that I really like (let alone bedding), and (2) I really want to do pink since her nursery was so neutral (even boyish), and I don't really get inspired by pink...I'd rather do red and white or gray and yellow.
I do love iron beds. Of all of them that I've seen, I happen to love most this very inexpenive one at Ikea...
Isn't it darling? I just love it. BUT my issue is that it's technically a toddler bed (I think?) even though it does stretch to be a normal twin size, so it's really low to the ground...therefore, I feel like it may get swallowed up by the rest of the room...dresser, storage, bookcase, etc.???
We currently have this bed in what will be E's BGR...
I love this bed as well, however, it's black so I'd have to paint it white, AND it's a full size. I'm just not sold on the idea of a full size bed for a child's room. Not only will it take up a lot of space in her small room, but I just like twin beds for kids- they look so cute and tiny. :)
So I've been scouring the internet for inspiration and haven't come up with much.
I like the pink color on the walls of this room (I've also always loved that jenny lind crib and considered getting it for E's nursery)...
I like the wainscotting in this room with the shelving, but I don't think I want to do paneling again since we did something so similar in her nursery, and because we have to anchor all the furniture in her BGR, and I don't want to anchor through paneling. I also LOVE the dresser in this room and NEED to find one just like it...antique swap meets, here I come!
This room has very similar (or the same?) adorable iron beds, and it still looks pretty cute, although you can't see a large dresser or bookcase to see what it would look like with such small beds.
I love that this room show a very small toddler bed and a large shelving unit on the right, and it still looks decently proportioned. I also like the layout of this room- great use of a really small space.
And finally, after seeing the idea of three dimensional flowers on the wall in a PBK catalog, I decided I *may* do it in E's BGR then I found this photo online, which is so well executed...
So, if anyone knows of a great idea website, please let me know- I need help!