Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What a Day...

This photo isn't even from this weekend, I just thought it was funny!

We did a few things this weekend...garage sale at my mom's house (which Gary once again swears he will never do again), dinner at G&M's so Ella got to play with her besties, Peyton and Logan, but the creme de la creme was on Sunday.

First, Gary LOST Ella.  I was still in bed when Gary yells upstairs, "I can't find Ella!"  I just about have a heart attack, race downstairs, and because he is outside, I go the neighbors (where she always likes to play) IN MY NIGHTGOWN.  Very attractive.  She's not there so I come back, and Gary said she was in the family room while he stepped outside to put something in the car, then she was gone.  Well, that's kind of impossible, right?  I notice the deadbolt on the garage man door is unlocked so I go into the garage and find her happily sitting on her pink buggy patiently waiting for someone to take her on a walk!  And yes, she can now open all the doors to go outside.  Perfect.

Then, later in the day, we are trying to change her clothes, but she escaped and started running away from me with her pajamas half off and trailing behind her.  I'm chasing her and step on her pj's, which causes her to FACE PLANT on the hardwood floors.  But not just any fall- she did not break this fall AT ALL.  Face first.  I pick her up, and her lip is swelling up and bleeding because she bit it really hard.  Then her nose starts bleeding profusely.  At this point I have Ella screaming with blood coming out of her all over the place, and Gary screaming, "she broke her nose!" "she broke her nose!"  I finally got them both calmed down and gave Ella an ice teether (thank goodness we still had it in the freezer) to suck on, which causes the swelling to go down.  After playing with Owen next door, she was back to her old self in no time!

Monday was barrels of fun too since I had my colonoscopy (btw, the "bowel prep" for a colonoscopy is the worst thing in the world).  I *think* everything went well and no polyps or cancer were found, but of course, I couldn't be sure since she explained the results to me while I was still completely out of it without Gary being present, despite the fact that prior to the procedure, I specifically asked that he be there while she talked to me!!!  I also asked about the CD b/w results since they never called me about them, and I'm pretty sure she said I have CD!!!!!!!  But then again, I can't be sure since now I'm wondering if I imagined that since I pretty much don't remember anything from yesterday before 3 p.m.  Fab.

Anyway, here are some cute Ella bella pics...



1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that first pic of Ella - so incredibly cute!
