Monday, February 24, 2014

Did God Make Him Like This?

Oh my gosh.  Kids really do say the darndest things.

Everett, as usual, was acting like a crazy person, and Ella looks at Gary with complete seriousness and says, "did God make him like this?"


She followed that up with, "What is wrong to him?" [to = with].

My Gym Party

We celebrated Ivan's birthday at My Gym this weekend, and both kids had a blast- I really need to sign Everett up for classes there.

The theme was Curious George...check out this amazing cake!!

Ella and one of her besties, Kaitlyn...
I feel like they look like such big girls in that picture- I want to cry!  Here is a picture of these two in November 2010...sniff...

And the girls with their little bros...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Funny Girl

We are constantly dying laughing at things Ella says, and I keep forgetting to write them down!  But the latest occurred when I showed Gary a picture of Jennifer Aniston and said I want to cut my hair in a bob like hers...

Gary: You will look weird with short hair [on a side note, nice comment, huh?].
Ella (in a raised voice): Well YOU have NO hair!

Love that my girl has my back! ;)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Ella's valentines...

We had a little V-Day playdate and valentine exchange at Jen's house...

The boys...

These two decided they needed to sit in the same chair. :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Weekend & First Movie

We had a busy Super Bowl weekend...

Ella celebrated Vietnamese New Year with Olivia...


 She saw her very first movie with Olivia- Frozen- on Super Bowl Sunday morning.  I don't think Ella has ever sat through an entire half hour tv show so this was a BIG deal.  She did ok- she was very antsy and asked me 3 or 4 times when the movie was over, but overall I think she really liked the movie.

And then of course the Super Bowl...

Some random Everett...

Gary made the scrunched up super smiley face to Everett, and now he does it all the time- it's hilarious!

He found one of my gossip mags, opened it up to a page with some girl in a bikini and sat there looking at it for about 10 minutes!  Of course Gary said, "that's my boy!" [insert eye roll here]...