Saturday, February 20, 2016


It's finally here!  Everett's very first baseball season has officially begun!!  Opening ceremonies and his first game EVER happened of our most special and memorable days yet!  I HEART BASEBALL!

Welcome to opening day!!!!!

Lining up to be announced!

Opening ceremonies was so fun with all the adorable boys lined up on the field in their uniforms...

All the sisters came out to support their brothers!

Go Nationals!

A little practice before the game...

Waiting to bat...

Some instruction from his coach before going up to bat...

Everett was the very first person up to bat for his very first game!

Then the boys hit the field!

And to top off a great day, Everett got a pic with one of Ella's besties' big brother, who Everett loves, and also happens to be on the Nationals!

It's going to be a great season!!!!!!!

100th Day of Kindergarten

On February 18, 2016, Ella became 100 days smarter!

Friday, February 19, 2016

What The?

This is a page of Ella's schoolwork...
"Das" is dance. 
"Bry" is brother. 
"Has" is house. 
Notice all the exclamation points!

Here is the backside...
Apparently, she's not so sure if she likes Gary and I!!!!!  What the heck?! ;)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Father Daughter Dance 2016

Ella went to her second Father Daughter dance on Friday!

She wore a new dress, and wanted a picture of the back. ;)

Daddy even got her a corsage!

Everett insisted that we take some photos of him as well...

And while the daddies and daughters danced, we took the boys bowling- it was so fun!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Backyard Reno

It's finally happening!!! I'm doing updates on the renovation blog

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Monster Jam!

You read that right, I went to Monster Jam!  It was actually really fun!  We had about 15 kids, tailgated beforehand, and the kids had such a great time!!

We had three rows of seats, and they were super close!!

What would monster jam be without the $15 cotton candy?!

Like our hats?

It's Baseball Season!

HURRAY!  We've waited 4 years for this...Everett is finally eligible for tee ball!  And it is as cute and fun as I imagined.

On January 22nd, we had "cap night" where they announce all the teams, and we found out that Everett is on the Washington Nationals!  We also got super lucky that two of our friends are on the team as well!!!!

Next up, buying allllll the "stuff"...pants, shirts, socks, cleats, bat, balls, glove, backpack, helmet...this guy is READY!

Then came his very first practice on January 28th...oh the cuteness...

Tracy is 40!

I usually don't post a lot of adult only type things on the blog since it's supposed to be about the kids, but I had to give a shout out to one of my oldest dearest friends, who had her 40th birthday bash on January 2nd!!  There are A LOT of us turning 40 this year (yikes!) so we may have more adult-only postings this year!

The new friend I made at one of the bars...check out that fly outfit, including mismatched socks!! ;)