Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Life with Everett

I've decided that I need to start documenting the things I'm forced to say to Everett, in public, on a regular basis.  Because things come out of my mouth that I could have never imagined ever would.

The two most recent I can remember:

At a sushi restaurant...

In the middle of a crowded mall after purchasing new underwear for Everett...

At home...
*this one actually happens a cannot lick the floor/table/your sister/your friends, etc.

Just added, in the bathroom...
"EVERETT, YOU CANNOT LICK MILK OFF THE BATHROOM RUG THAT YOU PEE ALL OVER!!!"  [yes, that really happened, and I nearly vomited]

On the plus side, the people around us are always cracking up, so at least he's (and me?) providing a free show.

New Years Eve 2014

Watching the countdown...

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Ryan and Everett intently watching a still photo of Taylor Swift...hmm...

Christmas Morning 2014

The story of Kristoff...

My kids are terrified of Santa so we don't even bother taking them.  But one day, my mom picked up Ella early from school and miraculously, she took a photo with Santa!  This was about a week or so before Christmas.  I asked her how it went, and she said, "Santa is bringing me Kristoff".  Um, huh?

Both myself and Santa had already bought the kids tons of random gifts because, well, I have kids that don't ask for anything.  Ever.  Ella is the kid who have to force to pick something out at a toy store, and if you take her to somewhere like Marshall's to pick something out, she will choose underwear every.single.time.  I know, they are strange.

So I was shocked that she was adamant that she spoke with Santa, and he was brining her Kristoff.  Who wants Kristoff???  Elsa, sure.  Olaf, I get it.  Even Sven, the reindeer, I understand.  But Kristoff??  I knew she meant a plush one as well because (a) her Anna, Elsa and Olaf are all plush, and (b) the hard plastic Kristoffs are super easy to find at your local Target so surely that would be too easy.

I figured she just felt pressured to say something, since it was Santa afterall.  That's what you do, you know?  But I kept asking her, and she was insistent that all she wants for Christmas is Kristoff.  It's the ONLY thing she asked for.  ARGH!

I wasn't sure that Santa would be able to find a Kristoff so close to Christmas, especially since they were sold out everywhere.  But apparently, after tons of searching, Santa WAS able to find a Kristoff!  He is magical afterall...

And I think that Santa would have thought it was all worth it because Ella was BEYOND excited when she opened her gift, and screamed that she just KNEW that Santa was brining her Kristoff!

Most of the [short] morning was spent like this...
With paper flying everywhere.  But we did get them to slow down for a few pictures...

Holidays 2014

This year's Christmas cookies...

Some sibling love by the tree...

We had our annual white elephant party and kids' gift exchange at Ryan's house this year...

We did our annual Christmas Eve morning breakfast and gift exchange with godsisters...

Ella and Olivia apparently missed each other. ;)

Christmas Eve mass...

The kids got to open a bunch of gifts at grandma's house on Christmas Eve, including Everett's fire truck and fireman outfit!

After Christmas, I gave in and bought the Elfie pjs the kids were dying for since they were on sale...

We did a holiday preschool reunion playdate...

And we took the kids to the aquarium (note the two penguins swimming in the background!)...
A wonderful and busy holiday season!