Thursday, January 30, 2014


Everett and I tagged along for Ella's second taekwondo class, and she participated and did great!

We've been filling up Tuesdays and Thursdays with lots of playdates so mama doesn't go crazy!

And baby Mia turned one and had a winter wonderland party!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Little Everett Post

This is what Everett looks like when he is starving and waiting for dinner to finish cooking. :)

He continues to be a little pistol and drama queen.  The most stubborn child I've ever seen in my life...although my mom says that she has seen a child just as :)  I find it hard to believe that I could have possibly been even close to as stubborn at 2 as Everett is, but I'll take her word for it!

He is talking a lot more now, and the cutest thing he constantly says is, "EWWA!"  He is always yelling for Ella.  He is saying "mine" less...but only because he has moved on to, "my chair", "my wawa", "my hamma (hammer)", etc.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Ella started taekwondo last Saturday, but apparently, she sat on the side the entire class!  Gary was not happy, but it also took her 2-3 times of sitting on the side of ballet before she participated.  At least she looked adorable!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

We're In!

We spent the first night at our new house on Tuesday!  Sure the heat didn't work so I continuously checked on the kids to make sure they weren't literally freezing to death, and Everett, the best sleeper on earth, the child who points to his crib and ASKS to go nite nite, was hysterical for 30 minutes, but other than that, it went smoothly!

For the record, the heat does now work (it was about the tech-y new "Nest" thermostat that Gary had to have), and last night, Everett once again asked me to to let him go to sleep, so we are all good. :)

The only problem now is that the house looks like a bomb went off in it.  Both mess-wise and 1/2" of dust on everything-wise.  Yuck.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

NYE 2013

Our good friends (and now neighbors- hurray!) had us over for a fabulous New Year's Eve Celebration full of crafts, prime rib and almond champagne. :)

Let's get our craft on!

Cousin Christmas

Ella and Everett had a late Christmas with their cousins at Grammy and Pop pop's house...

The kids had a blast playing and ran all over the place, which made for a very tired baby boy, who decided to nap like this...

Then of course after I took the picture, Ella yelled, "take a picture of me mommy!"...