Sunday, September 29, 2013


Even though I complain about the cost of living in California, I really do feel so fortunate that we live in such a beautiful place.  We're trying to take advantage while we're living with my parents (like date nights!) by doing things we don't usually do as often, even though we only live a few miles from here!

My parents have a little hill in front of their house, so we've been climbing it with Ella- you get to see the most beautiful sunsets and views!


During sunset (can you see Fashion Island and the ocean in the middle?!)...


We are also trying to take advantage of being so close to the beach (and I did not adjust these photos, the sky really looked like that- such a beautiful day)!

And of course a ride on the ferry!  It was Everett's first time.  Getting on the ferry...

How daddy and Everett rode the ferry...

Ella and mommy sat on the bench...

My favorite pic of the day that somehow captured rainbow sun rays...

We've been fitting in lots of birthday parties too!  Here is Ella at Karina's party with some of her school friends. :)

Monday, September 23, 2013


Last weekend was Gary's birthday so we went to Javier's and had a few too many margaritas!

This weekend, Ella was very excited to celebrate Brett's 4th birthday with lots of her friends from school- she and Brett adore each other!

While Ella was partying, Everett was helping daddy pick up some supplies for the new house...

After the birthday party it was college game day at Jack and Gavin's house!  Everett came too after his nap. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hot Weekend

It was super hot this weekend, but Ella had a blast at the park with some old friends!
Ella, Cami, Ethan, Sohpie, Grace & Paige
Sydney, Olivia, Ella, Cami, Ethan, Sophie, Grace & Paige

She got to spend a bunch of time with her Godsisters since we went over there for dinner that night, and the girls wore their matching twirly dresses!

These girls love each other so much!

Some Ella/Olivia cuddle time on the couch. :)

And shockingly, Gary and I actually had a date night (we NEVER do date nights!) since we finally decided to take advantage of the time we're living with the parents!

Delicious white sangria...

I saw this in the parking lot walking into dinner- set the tone of the night perfectly!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Princess Jasmine

We went to Bridget's 4th birthday party, and Princess Jasmine was there!

She even played with the girls in the sandbox...

Everett had no interest in Jasmine, but Gary was thrilled that he wanted to play football!

He also spent some alone time in the sandbox...

And this is how Gary does Target...cart filled with only 2 cases of beer, on which he has his children sit!