Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ella's First Dance Recital!

Pure cuteness (Ella is 2nd from the right)...

I was so proud of her!  She did such an amazing job- it was actually the best she ever did her routine!  You go girl!

The final bow...

Ella and Aviela before the show in the dressing room...

Ella and her teacher, Miss Alyssa...

After the show...

Friday, June 21, 2013


This is from a few weeks cute are they in their matching swim trunks?!

I have a confession to make...

I let Ella wear this out in public...all day...

Not only is it character clothing (which I swore I would never let her wear), that is a NIGHTGOWN!  So I let my child wear character pajamas out in public!  Oh, and the flip flops are Ariel too.  Yup.  Never say never people.

And a school update...

Ella came home after her first day of Orange Room and gushed about how much she LOOOOOOVES orange room and LOOOOOOOOVES her new teachers.  It made me so happy because I was very worried about the transition since she has been in the same room with the same teachers for 2 years.

As for Everett, I did want to clear up some things about the whole face attack incident because so many people have asked me about it.  We LOVE the kids' school, and we LOVE their teachers.  So I didn't want to give the impression that I was blaming the school/teachers.  I did talk to the director of the school.  She said that he was in the buggy (kind of a large stroller type thing that holds 4 kids- 2 rows of 2) and as soon as the teacher heard him cry out, she stopped the buggy and got him out.  The buggy has a big sun shade over it so it's just like how if you have the sun shade over the child in your stroller, you can't really see them.  They said that they were absolutely shocked that the child did that because s/he has never ever done anything like that before, and they did talk to the parents about it.  They are also leaving an empty seat next to Everett for a while to prevent anything similar from happening.

Two of my close friends are starting their kids in Everett's room this summer so I didn't want them to think it's a war zone in there!  Haha!

Baby Dylan

Ella and I got to meet the adorable Little Miss Dylan yesterday, and of course, Ella was in absolute HEAVEN.  Poor Jill could barely pry her from Ella's arms even when she was screaming!  Luckily, we see them all the time so Ella will have plenty of Dylan time in her future. :)

It was difficult to get a still photo of them because Ella wouldn't stop rocking her like she does with her baby dolls!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

School Days

Ella's first day in the Orange Room!

She is such a big girl now!  3.5 has definitely been our most challenging age, but she has such a good heart.  The other day, she got two gummy vitamins, and Everett only got one.  She thought Everett was sad that she got more than him, so she gave him her second vitamin!!  Melts my heart. :)

And here is what happened to Everett at school today...
No, he didn't fall into a rose bush...another kid did that to him!!!  I was NOT pleased when I picked him up, to say the least.  Gary has decided he needs to start MMA...first he was getting bitten at school, now scratched by some brat!  Don't ask me how he got that beat up before someone noticed he was being attacked?! 

Anyway, after that ordeal, we went to the doctor for an audiological exam and ENT evaluation.  Good news...he responded very well to the hearing test and is hearing within normal range, and the ENT said he does not need tubes in his ears!  Yay!  The doctor said that if he gets ear infections this summer, he *might* need tubes, but we're in the clear for now.  He did SO well during the audiological exam- he sat still, let her put things in his ears and didn't cry at all.  I was so proud of him. 

And also good news, he has only gone to two speech therapy appointments, and they therapist said she thinks he might be done with therapy by August!  He is learning really quickly, and every time he is there, he says new words.  His behavior is also improving- today he sat for quite awhile and played blocks with the therapist, even though it was adult-led (she works to get him to understand basically that they are playing by her rules, which he must follow and not get frustrated and run to me). 

My babies are growing up!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Weekend

We had a big weekend!  First, we met up with Brett and Brice at Zoomar's.  Ella was SO excited to see her cousins!!  Of course both my kids were terrified of the animals, but at least Brett and Brice had fun petting the bunnies, guinea pigs and goats!  They did all LOVE the train...

And had a lot of fun in the corn box...

Then they decided it was time for a change of scenery so we walked to the park.  Notice Ella pulling the boys!

And Everett admiring his big boy cousin!

We wish they lived closer!

The next day we went to Benihana to celebrate grandma's birthday...

And on Sunday we had a big family bbq at grandma and grandpa's house to celebrate both Father's Day and grandma AND grammy's birthdays (can you believes our moms share the exact same birthday?!).

Big Guy/ Little Guy...

All the dads and the little guy...

The birthday girls!

Love this one!

And to end the coma!

Olivia's 4th Birthday Party

Ella's bff, Olivia, turned 4 last weekend and had a super fun Little Mermaid party.  Ella had SO much fun!

A look into the future...we're worried these two are going to be trouble together...just like their mamas!


Even Ariel stopped by and played with the kids (See Ella, Olivia and Syndey next to her?)...

Cake time!

Twins!  Although, I think the smaller twin is much cuter. :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

18 Months & More Summertime Fun

Everett's very first ice cream cone- he LOVED it!

That little chunk of adorableness is 18 months old!  His stats:

Weight: 23 lbs. (35th percentile- still skinny minnie!)
Height: 33.5" (80th percentile but 90th percentile adjusted- still TALL!)

He is our fussy one and definitely keeps us on our toes!  We often tell him he's very lucky that he's so darn cute. ;)  He's all boy...into everything, crawling up anything, messy, loud...all of it.  He's SO different from Ella at that age!

He is similar to Ella at that age in that he is ALL daddy ALL the time.  He seriously wants nothing to do with me, but it doesn't bother me this time around because I know it changes since Ella is attached to my hip now!

He LOVES milk and is a fairly good eater.  He loves balls and still isn't into cars or trains.

He is starting speech therapy in a week, but he is talking more (and gibberish talking more) and seems to be less frustrated.  We think he says dog, hi, milk (ma ma), cheese, cheers, ball (ba), night night, water (wa wa) and other words sporadically.  He loves to point and clap, and he has the cutest smile I've ever seen in my entire life!!!!

Ella and Everett got to meet Cadence and Nathan's new baby sister, Ellie, this weekend- she is so tiny and cute!!  Everett could not care less, but of course, Ella was obsessed!

We went to a spontaneous dinner at our good friends' house (which meant I didn't have to cook on Sunday night- woo hoo!), and this picture is just the epitome of summertime...all the kids lined up eating their ice cream!!