Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer is Here...

We did have some fun while Gary was gone and over Memorial Day weekend...the weather has been gorgeous here!  My first "summer" meal...

Meals with friends...

Fun times at the pool!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dress Rehearsal & Sushi

Ella's dress rehearsal for her ballet recital was today, and I just about died over the cuteness.  I hope she never ever wants to quit ballet because it is my very favorite activity with her. :)

With Aviela...

And a close-up to show how they could be sisters...even their teacher was mixing them up!

With Francesca and Aviela...

As for my baby boy...he ate his first piece of sushi on Friday night!  Well, it was a California Roll but close enough.  Notice in the last photo he's sucking on the seaweed!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rough Two Weeks

Gary went to Canada for 2 weeks for work, so I've been in major survival mode!  It definitely has NOT been easy, but at least I had my mom to help out a lot and some friends take me in for playdate dinners or come over to keep me entertained because I would seriously not survive without that!

I did get out briefly one night for a party with my work peeps after a conference, and it was HEAVEN! 

I also had a telephonic deposition one day that I did at my mom's house while she watched the kids, so I got to work outside in the beautiful weather with this view...

The big excitement was when my mom found this in my dad's office (where I had just been walking around barefoot)...have you ever seen anything so disgusting??!!  It was HUGE!

And finally, my conversation with Ella tonight...we were looking through a magazine together, and there was a page with a bunch of celebrity babies on it...

Ella: Aww, aren't they so cute mama?  Do you want to buy them?
Me: Where can you buy a baby?
Ella: Target.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Fun Times

Rain is every mom's worst enemy (at least if you're home with the kids that day!) you need to get creative. :)

The rain also caused Chloe's birthday to be postponed, but as you can see, Ella was SUPER happy that it was rescheduled so she could spend time with one of her besties!
BTW, notice her CARS cake?!  I love that Chloe is a tomboy!  No Princess party for this girl!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Crazy Busy

That's what we are right now.  And it's making me a little looney bins!  On top of trying to sell our house, find a new house, fix everything and anything that's broken, keep everything spotless for showings with a 1 and 3 year old (oh the stories I already have, and our house has only been listed for 4 days!) and try to prepare for Gary's next 2 week business trip, we decided why not pack in the school carnival, the OC marathon, an open house and a few social activities on top of it!

Friday night was the kids' school "Family Frolic and Silent Auction".  It's always so fun (they have 2 bounce houses, a fire truck, a police car, carnival games, food, tons of auction items, face painting, a balloon artist and on and on).  I'll admit that I wasn't too excited about it this year, but I'm glad we went because the kids had a blast.

Everett was terrified of the fire truck and cried when he got near it!

But at least Ella thought it was cool...

Ella loved bouncing with Francesca...

And her super cute princess crown...

After ballet on Saturday, we met friends at the Cypress Village grand opening.  There was one model we really loved layout-wise, but for a variety of reasons (including the tiny lots/backyards) we will not be buying there.

Because my brain is so overloaded (I swear, it has been far worse than both pregnancy brain and mommy brain lately- it's like no brain!), I double booked us for Saturday night, which I have literally never done, so Gary and Everett went to a bbq at some friends' house while Ella and I went to play with Chole and Francesca...I love those girls together- we are SO sad because all three of them will be in different classes starting in June. :(

When all of us got home, we started cleaning...which went into Sunday morning!  But Gary and Everett escaped the Sunday morning cleaning because they went to the OC Marathon- Everett's first 5K!

We had what we hope was a successful open house (there were lots of people so maybe??), and then we HAD to go out for margaritas for Cinco de Mayo!!!  I'm so ready to sleep...for about 3.5 days.

Although Ella, the easiest most laid back kid ever, is becoming MUCH more challenging (yes, it really is the f*ckin fours!!), she still cracks us up on a daily basis...
She is so articulate and shocks us all the time with things she says/knows but also says the funniest things!  I'm not sure where the heck she got this one, but I was saying something like, " who's going to bed", and she points her thumb towards Gary and says, "this guy".  Then tonight at dinner I said, who gets an ice cream scoop, and she points to herself and says, "this girl!!" (Um, as I write this, she is listening to Madonna, "Borderline" on my phone and dancing like crazy in front of the mirror and then posing- omg, I love that girl).

Let's not leave out my little man, who is finally starting to be a happy boy again!  This is what most mornings look like in our house (Ella took this!)...

He has qualified for speech therapy (his expressive speech was rated at a 6 month level!), but we haven't started yet because there a bunch of hoops to jump through first, which of course means he is now starting to talk...Murphy's Law!  He says "hi" constantly.  He is doing a lot more copying of our sounds, and we swear tonight he said, "plumber's butt" (yes, that is the type of thing my husband teaches our children), and he says, "cheers!", which I think is his favorite because he loves to cheers anything, not just cups!  I'm a little worried for college since he's already starting to "cheers" at 17 months old!

And in case you're wondering why we are moving away from a decent house and amazing neighborhood, a big reason is that I really really really really want a house that looks similar these, which just happen to be in our desired neighborhood- well, I actually want a complete dump so that I can make it look like these myself!