Thursday, January 31, 2013

Work, Work, Work...and clothes

I've been so busy at work!  I barely have time for anything else so sorry it's been a little boring around here.  Ella did have her school pictures today so at least I'll have those to post when they come back next week. :)  In the meantime, here are some outfits from this week...

I started out in this outfit today...

But ended up changing my shoes to make a bit more dressy for work...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sleepy & Outfits

I forgot to post this photo when Ella was sick last weekend, but this is the first time EVER that she has slept on know those kids you see at the mall sleeping in their stroller or at Disneyland sleeping on their dad's arms?  Well, that's not my kid.  She never slept anywhere except her crib (and carseat when she was really young).  So although it was super uncomfortable, it was kind of nice!  Notice the graham cracker still in hand. :)

And this is when she started to feel better. :)

My new flannel button down from ON (which as of today were still on sale for $15 if you want one!).  I wore it with my new knee-high boots when we went to dinner at our friends' house, but I forgot to take a pic!

My casual need to get dressed quick weekend outfit...

Errands with the fam outfit...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Everett & Outfits...

I got in trouble from my mom for posting outfit photos of myself instead of photos of the kids, but I swear, we are taking zero photos, and January is our month of rest!  We are taking a break from ballet, soccer doesn't start until next weekend (um, maybe since it's supposed to rain), Ella was super sick all last weekend, we aren't doing any big outings (like Disneyland, visiting Santa, holiday parties, etc.) and when we are hanging out with friends, we aren't taking photos! 

We are spending any and all free time doing house projects (painting, fixing, cleaning, organizing) because we are trying to list our house in less than a month!  So, sorry!

However, a few things about Everett...the kid LOVES fish- isn't that weird?  Like seriously, any fish.  He inhales it.  He really should like every type of food because the kid eats like a linebacker.  I'm  not kidding you, he eats about 3x the amount Ella does.  Teenage years are going to be expensive! ;)

Also, his hair keeps getting more and more curly- it's adorable.  Check this out!

And finally, today's outfit.  Which is funny because it was raining, but this is pretty much uniform when it's raining.  I wear capris so the bottom of my pants don't get wet, and since I don't own rain boots, I usually wear rubber thongs so my shoes don't get wet (I stepped it up a notch and wore sandals since they aren't leather anyway).  I wore a scarf...

But here is a photo without the scarf so you can see my new Old Navy shirt, which I highly recommend because it's cheap, comfortable and cute!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just Ok

I think a navy blazer would have completed this outfit, but I don't have I'm on the hunt.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

No Sweats

I didn't wear sweats again today- woo hoo!  Thanks for indulging my boring outfit photos- I know I'm no fashionista, but it gives me more motivation to post here. :)

I know this looks strikingly similar to yesterday (I love grey!), but the top part is different, and since I only wore the bottom part in the afternoon yesterday, I wanted to wear my new shoes again!
I'm loving the sweater- I bought it in black too.  It's the Mossimo Boyfriend Cardigan at Target.  I am also in love with the H&M tank and wish I bought 5 of them (I need to go back and get more).  It's super long so great for layering. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I'm really trying to be better about accessorizing, and I keep seeing tons of cute photos on Pinterest with girls belting sweaters, etc. so I keep buying belts to incorporate them into my wardrobe.  Here is my first attempt...hopefully it worked!

The sweater is Mossimo from a long time ago.  Liz Lange tank.  Grey patent belt from Target.  Old Navy Rock Star skinnies in black.  Tory Burch Chelsea ballet flat.

Monday, January 14, 2013


We are having the interior of our house painted so we have to stuff everything into the bedrooms (which are not being painted).  I threw some of Ella's clothes on the floor of her room (we usually put clean clothes outside her door until they are hung up).

She walks into her room, sees the clothes on the floor, stops and says, " a problem."

Seriously, if you don't have a 3 year old, I highly recommend you get one.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sock Bun Mamas

Ella and I rocked matching sock buns today!  Only in the house- when we went out, she had pony tails. ;)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happiest Day

I think I'm going to frame this in both kids' rooms because nothing could be more true. :)

But to keep it real, I'm going to get one of those art frames that you can change out the picture and put this behind it for "those" days...

And a few more Ella-isms...

Ella goes, "Eww! Everett pooped!...Or maybe I just tooted."

Gary went to happy hour with friends so I'm trying to explain to Ella why he isn't home...
E: Where is daddy?
Me: He is out with Christian and Tony.
E: Where are they?
Me: At a bar.
E: Does daddy have to HANG from the bar????

Monday, January 7, 2013

Visiting Mia

Everett and Ella got to meet their new godsister, Mia Elizabeth, on Sunday!  She is sooo sweet!  Happy god-siblings...

Ella was also super excited to play with her besties, Olivia and Sydney...

Ella was in HEAVEN.  She is in love with Mia (and has not stopped talking about her since)...

And then there's Everett.  Who could not care less about Mia, but was VERY interested in Sydney!  He couldn't keep his hands off her (I can't blame him)!

Do you see how happy he was sitting next to her (um, not to mention the fact that he sat next to her for about 50 photos when I usually can't get him to sit for 3.5 seconds)?!
We are trying to encourage this relationship since they ARE getting married.  No, seriously.  There is no choice in the matter.  I mean, their kids would be ridiculously cute- it would just be stupid not marry them off. ;)


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Everett Eats an Orange

How exciting!  My very first orange slice!

I'm going to take a big bite...


Wait, this hard part is super bitter!

How do you eat this thing???!!!

At least he tried.  Ella refused to eat the orange slices that she asked for because grandma takes "that part" (the peel) off for her.  Well kid, this ain't grandma's house! ;)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The New Year

First of all, in case anyone is wondering where all my recipes went, I started a separate blog just for recipes.  I'm slowly adding all my recipes to it, including ones from Pinterest and magazines that I haven't tried yet (but I will make comments about them after I try them).  This is to assist in one of my resolutions, which is to cook A LOT more so that I have all my recipes in one place and electronic so I can look them up at the store.  It's called The Cook in Me.

Another resolution is generally more positivity and less computer time so to help accomplish both of those, I deactivated my Facebook account...not that anyone cares, but I just wanted to mention it in case anyone noticed that I didn't comment on photos or say happy birthday via FB.  So to my friends...please feel free to email photos since I won't see your cute kid pics anymore!

Finally, we had a last minute NYE celebration at which I got zero decent photos. :(  But here are a few nonetheless...

The boys apparently really like Dora?

The older kids had fun coloring...

Shockingly, we got them all to wear hats for a minute...

But it was madness trying to get the babies in a photo...

And an unrelated but cute photo of Ella, Mason and Ryan at the zoo this weekend...