Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ella's Funnies

Ella cracks us up on a daily basis, but I usually either forget what she says or it's the way she says something/gestures she uses that make it so funny so I don't write it down, but I'm going to start keeping track just for myself. :)

Yesterday she was harassing her brother (as usual), and I said, "Ella STOP!  You are driving him nuts!"  So later on, Gary and I are talking and Ella says to Gary in her sassy voice, "daddy, you are driving mommy NUTS!"  She is so perceptive! ;)

This morning, I was trying to eat my smoothie, but my two little vultures were both practically on top of me begging for bites so I said to Gary, "I haven't had any of my own smoothie because these two are such mooches!"  Everett goes to grab for the spoon, and Ella gently puts her hand on his and says, "Everett, we're both mooches!"  HAHA!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

We went to church on Christmas Eve, but this is the only (awful) photo I got of the kids in their outfits...

And one of my dad and his mini me in their matching sweaters...

Then the kids changed into their matching pajamas...

Despite me telling her NO! every single time, Ella tries to carry Everett about 652 million times a day...poor kid.

"Mom, HELP me."

"Seriously mom, do you see this? Put the camera down and DO something!"

"Fine, I give up [defeated face]."

I didn't get many photos on Christmas day...

But we did experience a Christmas MIRACLE...Everett finally took some steps!!!!

He actually did it a few times and a few more steps, but this is all we got on video.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Goodbye Elfie!

Last night was Elfie's final night of fun...tonight, he flies with Santa back to the North Pole.  I'm hoping Ella won't be too sad because he is the first thing she asks for in the morning!

During his last four nights of mischief, he built Cindarella's Lego castle (and even put on her skirt!)...

He had a little fun with wrapping paper...

He wrote the kids a note on the computer...

And he went potty (hey, even Elves have to poop, and yes, that's elf poop in the toilet!)...

You will be missed Elfie! We can't wait to see you next year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Feliz Navidad!

We had our "Christmas" with Gary's family on Saturday, and this was the best shot I could get of the kids!

Opening gifts was pure chaos and hilarious to watch!

The kids (and us!) had so much fun- it's a bummer we don't all live closer. :(

Sunday we went to a little holiday party and gift exchange at Hannah's house, where I barely took any photos, but we all had a great time!!

We also got a little taste of the musical stylings of Miss Ella Rose this weekend...

Feliz Navidad

Silent Night

Thursday, December 20, 2012

More Elfie...

He hung out in a sippy cup...

He played with one of the kids' favorite toys...

He went on a sleigh ride with friends...

And back by popular demand, he turned Ella's milk red!

Stitches at the ER

I was at the ER last night from 9 to 11 p.m.  I know what you're thinking, "which kid was injured?"  But no, the kids are fine.  *I* am the brilliant full grown adult, who nearly sliced my finger off on a can trying to push the trash down.  It happened at 1:30, and I was home alone with the kids so Gary came home so I could go to the ER, but by that time, I finally got the bleeding to stop so I figured it was fine (and in all honesty, I was scared to get stitches!)...

But because of where it's located, it kept opening back up and gushing blood all over the place...

So when it happened again around 8:30 p.m., and I couldn't get it to stop bleeding, I gave in and went to the fun.

The doctor said, "it won't stop bleeding because you need stitches idiot"...well, she didn't say the idiot part, but she was thinking it!  Anyway, the bottom line is that getting the lidocaine shots was more painful than ANYTHING I've experienced in my life.  Seriously, I feel like I have a somewhat decent tolerance for pain, but I think the finger must be one of the worst places for stitches because I had to use every ounce of willpower not to scream at the top of my lungs- I was practically jumping off the table.  And why does it take so long to numb a tiny little finger?  It felt like she shot it in different spots with a rusty spinals for my c-sections only took about 2 seconds, and those were to numb me from the waist down!!

Then because it was so deep, she had to pull it apart to make sure I didn't slice the tendon (I didn't) so even though it didn't hurt, the pulling and cleaning it was just icky feeling.

It didn't end when I came home because at 2 a.m., I woke up and still couldn't feel my finger AT ALL so of course I Google how long lidocaine is supposed to last, which said 1-2 hours so then I freaked out that they had hit a nerve, and I permanently lost feeling in my entire finger, and I debated going back to the ER.  Dramatic much?  I'm happy to report that I do have feeling now, which I regret missing because it HURTS!!!

The moral of the story is that this is all Gary's fault because if he just took out the trash like he's supposed to, this would have never happened. ;)  Haha!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday Weekend...

Ella & Aviela practiced the winter recital dance at ballet on Saturday morning...

Then Ella and Jack had a blast at our neighborhood Christmas party where they saw Santa, watched a marionette puppet show and goofed around in the photo booth...

Then Peyton and Logan came over for dinner...

Sunday morning, Ella spent some quality time with her brother in their matching pjs (yes I only buy her "boy" pjs now so that Everett can wear them in the future!)...

Then Ella had breakfast, exchanged Christmas gifts and went shopping with Olivia at Citadel...

Ella had to make sure Santa was still in the North Pole before she would take a picture in front of his house. ;)

After naps, it was time for dinner with Jack, Gavin, Kendall and Jaxon followed by CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!!!

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Look at these studs...


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Elfie's Antics

He turned Ella's milk green (which I think has been her favorite of all, and she would only drink that milk until it was gone and now asks everyday for Elfie to turn her milk green again)...

He tried to get Ella's cheerios ready in the morning but got stuck in the jar...

He colored a picture of Santa...

He built a "castle" as Ella calls it...

He ziplined across the kitchen on a candy cane...

He made elf donuts (chocolate, sprinkles & powdered)...