Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Haps

First of all, I'm creating a monster. Yesterday, Ella started crying because her sippy cup didn't match her outfit. What the heck?! She just continues to make me laugh...

The other day I did something for her, and she goes, "I'm SO proud of you mommy!"  Ha!

We often put down a big blanket with toys and let Everett roll around and play. Ella has always laid her babies face down and covered each one head to toe with a blanket to put them to sleep. Well today, she did this...

They are still laying face down (what's up with that?), but they are laying on top of the blankets, and you will note that each and every baby has a toy next to them...just like Everett when he lays on his blanket!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Busy Weekends Continue

I think I say this every summer, but I love it because weekends are so busy and fun!  We had another birthday party this weekend...Olivia turned 3 and had a super fun art party!

Ella had dinner and played at the Spectrum with her buddy Jack, with whom she has a very love/hate relationship that always makes us laugh...we're sure they are going to date in the future!

We had a picnic and enjoyed a concert at the zoo where we are members- it was SO fun- I can't wait to do this again!!  They had tequila tasting too. ;)
Reese & Ella showing off their cool arm paintings


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

RIP Big Den

Me and Big Den, April 1979

My Uncle, "Big Den", passed away yesterday after a long battle with cancer.  He was such a GREAT guy.  He was the biggest sports fanatic I ex-NBA player (he played for the Lakers- woot woot!), and an avid ASU fan.  I still remember standing under his legs and being in awe of Big Den.  I remember the many times he and my dad would watch a game, and scream at the tv with their booming voices...I'm pretty sure people in the next city knew when our family was watching a game!!

My dad misses his big brother, as do so many other people whose lives he touched, including my wonderful Aunt, my two amazing cousins, and his adorable four grandchildren.

We love you Uncle Denny!

Proud Mama- 1st Day of School

Today was Everett's first day of school (really daycare- the infant/toddler program at Ella's school).  I was (and am) a little worried about starting him so young, especially since all the babies just crawl around and put all the same toys in their mouth (gross!), and Ella didn't start until 18 or 19 months.

However, I called at lunch to see how it was going, and the teacher went on and on about what a good baby he is, how he is the most good-natured baby she's ever seen, he is so easy, they all adore him, and she actually THANKED me for enrolling him- how sweet is that?!

I know I didn't do much to make him this way except have a big sister around to beat him up a bit and suck all the attention away from him so that he has to be ridiculously good, but it still makes me a proud mama! :)

Oh, and also, Everett is kind of army crawling!  The kid won't sit up, but if you put toys he wants in front of him, he'll kind of do that one armed army crawl thing (just a few pushes/pulls) to get it.  I swear he probably won't sit up or walk until he's 5 and can support his giant head without tipping over! ;)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

Ella and Everett had a buuuuuusy weekend!

We went to Benihana for grandma's birthday, where Ella ate almost all her food with chopsticks!

We went to the pool...

Ella had tons of fun at Holland's 1st birthday fiesta, and she took her very first pony ride!
She was very hesitant at first...she would beg to go over to the ponies, and then when they would get near her, she would BOLT as fast as could over to the bounce house.  But she came around!

Ella had fun making new friends...

And singing to the cute birthday girl, who was very happy about her smash cake! :)

Ella did GREAT at her swim lesson with Aviela on Sunday morning, and then we went to visit great-grandpa for Father's Day...
Ella has always been a little scared of great-grandpa so it absolutely made his day that not only did she sit on his lap for the first time since she was a baby, but she also gave him TWO hugs and said "happy father's day!"

Great-grandpa, grandpa and grandson :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Everett 6.5 Months

This little monkey is 6.5 months old now!

He's getting so much more interactive, he "talks" a ton, and he's always smiling.  He's grabbing for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g., including Ella's face and hair, but she just laughs...we'll see how long that lasts when he gets her toys!

We are feeding him lots more solids now.  He LOVES oatmeal cereal (which Ella wasn't a big fan of), but unfortunately, he doesn't seem to like anything green.  Ella would eat any baby food you put in front of her, and I think peas & green beans were her favorite.  Everett likes sweet potatoes, but if you give him anything green, he'll push it all out of his mouth. :(  I'm now trying to put a little bit in his sweet potatoes.

I honestly thought all babies just ate whatever you gave them since Ella easily ate anything.  I know they get picky with table food, but pureed veggies?  Really?  Ella still loves green beans and broccoli, and I'm bummed because I think this is an indication that Everett will not be a veggie kid like Ella.  Most of my friends that had finicky babies that didn't like veggies say their kids still won't eat them.  Blah.

He starts at Ella's school on Tuesday!  I can't wait!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I need to start writing things down that Ella says because she cracks me up, but then I always forget what she says!

 Like yesterday she randomly says, "I'm sexy and I know it!", which is so inappropriate, but of course Gary and I look at each other and start laughing so she kept saying it! I haven't even heard that song in months- where does she get this stuff?

Then today I asked her if she wanted to play hide and seek, and she said she only wanted to play with daddy so I said, "you don't want to play with mommy?" and she says, "I'm SO busy." She's so funny!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dress Sale

Little Chicken Baby Boutique

Limited Time Dress Fabric Sale!
***20% OFF***
Six Different Fabrics- ANY Style!!
Limited Quantities of Sale Fabric Available

Visit our Facebook page to view the sale fabrics HERE.
Etsy Store LINK

Here's how it works:  You can choose ANY style dress listed in LCBB's Etsy shop.  When you purchase the dress in any of the six (6) sale fabrics (flannel butterfly & leaves; pink hibiscus; hot pink hawaiian floral; pink roses or blue hydrangea), you will receive 20% off the cost of that particular dress style!  Because we are unable to issue coupon codes through Etsy on only certain fabrics, we will refund your Paypal account the 20% sale amount after we receive payment.  Please reply to this email if you have any questions or convo us through Etsy!

*Please note, the 20% off sale ONLY applies to the six (6) sale fabrics and only for dresses made in those fabrics.

**The 20% discount does not applies to shipping costs.

***We have limited quantities of sale fabric available.  If we sell out of your chosen fabric, we will refund your purchase immediately.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Safari Park

Ella, Gary and I had a mini-vacay this weekend in San Diego...we had SO much fun!  We went to the Safari Park on Friday...

Waiting for the tram (or "jolly barn" as Ella calls it!)...

It started a little shaky on the tram, but it ended well...

My cute little bats...

Ella's favorite animals at the park were the giraffes...

That place is a WORKOUT.  Seriously, it was so much fun, but I don't think I'd go there more than once every few years...I'm not in good enough shape! ;)  The great part about it though is that my never sleeps in the car child did this in about 45 seconds...

We checked into the Rancho Bernardo Inn & Spa and played at the pool.  We really loved the hotel- I would definitely stay there again.  We ate dinner at Veranda and had a great view...

We got a little bored waiting for dinner...

So we took some silly photos...

But it was worth the yummy!

Ella, the adventurous eater, even ate calamari tentacles! 

The next day Ella was super excited to visit her cousins for Brice's second birthday!

She had a great time in the bounce house...

And even gave the birthday boy a hug...

We have to give BIG thanks to grandma and grandpa for watching Everett over night!  The safari park is definitely not the place for a 6 month old, and Ella was so happy to have so much time alone with mommy and daddy!  GREAT weekend!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Everett 6 Month Stats

Everett had his 6 month WBV today...
Height: 26.5 inches (about 50th percentile)
Weight: 14.12 pounds (5th percentile)
Head Circ: 43.5 (95% percentile)

Um, no wonder this kid can't sit up...with a noggin like that, I'll be surprised if he can walk without tipping over!

Gary asked the ped about his head being a little flat, and he said it's not too bad (I think Ella's was worse), but we have to come back in 6 weeks to re-evaluate whether he will need a helmet.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Little Miss Croup-y Pants

Ella has croup. :(  Which means there is a lot of this going on...

It also means I have two unhappy doesn't feel good, and one gets practically fun all around.

She has a fever in the 103s, and even meds don't seem to reduce it much.  The only good thing is that from what I hear, I guess she has a more mild case because she doesn't have that "seal" sounding cough- just a regular sounding cough, and she is still able to sleep through the night and not cough a ton during the day.  The hardest part is keeping her away from Everett- it's near impossible!!!!

Edited to add: You know your kid doesn't feel good when she ASKS you to put her down for a nap...and 30 minutes early at that!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ella's First Haircut

I had a hair appointment today so my stylist said she would give Ella her first trim...she did so great!! Since she can be a little fearful, I thought she might start crying or refuse to sit for the cut, but she loved it! When I was getting my hair cut, she asked if it hurt me, and then she initially said she didn't want to get her hair cut, but after Lori talked to her, she sat all by herself...such a big girl!