Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sometimes I Just Don't Care...

Amidst trying to get some Etsy orders done, finishing Ella's birthday banner, having lunch with a friend and running errands, I was pretty much out of energy when Ella woke up from her afternoon nap.

Buuuuuuut, one of the packages of clothes I bought her arrived so we had to try everything on (I bought 2 sizes in lots of things).  As I'm sure you can imagine, after trying on 4 pairs of leggings, 3 shirts, 2 pairs of jeggings and a beanie (which takes about 6 tries since she rips it off her head immediately), Ella was OVER trying on cloths.  So although I tried to put some comfy pajamas on her since we were just lounging around the house, this is as far as we got...
Yes, that's right, she has on pajama bottoms and a tutu yet no shirt.

Then to stop her from crawling everywhere while I was making her dinner, I just gave up and let her do this...

Finally, since I decided to try something new and let her pick up all her own food rather than putting it in her mouth for her, this is what happened to Rylee...
And I just left it all there (the picture doesn't capture it, but there are about 20 pieces of turkey scattered along Rylee's back and head).

The end.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A TWO Hour Tour...of the Pediatrician's Office

First and foremost, please explain to me WHY they make your pediatrician appointment at 2:50 when they clearly do not have an available appointment at 2:50 because they don't even take you back into the room until 3:35, and the doctor doesn't come in until 3:55??!!  UGH, it infuriates me.  I could have let Ella take her whole nap instead of waking her up after sleeping for only 30 minutes.  If I didn't love this office so much, I would at least change to one closer than 20 minutes away.

Back on topic...this morning around 8:30 I noticed a pea (maybe dime?) sized bump on Ella's left temple.  It wasn't red, and didn't bother her at all when I pushed on it hard.  So I ruled out zit, bug bite and even bump from falling since it didn't hurt her.  I was also with her all morning, and she didn't fall that I saw.

Anyway, it of course freaked me out, and I couldn't even concentrate at my mediation so I called the pediatrician, who could luckily get me in at 2:50...or, you know, 3:55.

When I woke her up from her nap at 2:25, the bump seemed a lot smaller, which made me feel kind of stupid and like I was overreacting, but it was still there so I went anyway.  After waiting over an hour, the doctor said she definitely doesn't think it's anything serious, and she really thinks Ella just hit her head without us seeing it.  Although I find it REALLY strange that she could hit her head hard enough to leave a bump without us knowing (wouldn't she scream?), I'll just take her word for it since it reduced in size.  She said to call her if it got bigger tomorrow.

The appointment wasn't a total bust though because:
(1) Our regular ped is on vacation so we had to see one of the other peds, and I loved her so that makes me feel really good for when we need a backup; and
(2) Gary and I got our whooping cough vaccines!  I've been meaning to do this (as should EVERYONE who has or is ever around children), but I kept forgetting.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just Us Girls...

Ella and I had a girls' weekend because Gary was up at Lake Isabella for his "boys' weekend".

This is how every meal turns out in our house lately.  I have no idea what's going on.  She spits out her food, then shoves it back in her mouth with her hand but leaves enough on her hand to rub all over face and high chair.  She does this over and over and over.

She still LOVES Gerber vegetable purees, but she is SO picky when it comes to real food.  No cut up vegetables, no plain pasta, no fruit, she won't even eat bread...who doesn't like bread??!!  Oh wait, she did eat a few bites of the zucchini bread I made (but that doesn't count because it's sweet).  The good news is that she loves meat.  We had Daphne's for dinner on Friday, and she ate gyro meat for the first time!

Monday, August 23, 2010

What I Do on a Monday...

I climb all over Rylee...

I go to the pool with my friend Kaitlyn...

I try on one of my Halloween costumes, and I become the cutest little lamb in the entire world...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Water Baby- YEAH!

We went to the pool two days in a row this weekend, and Ella LOVES it.  Yay!  She finally figured out how to walk around the baby pool in her floatie, and she zooms around everywhere.  She also goes after all the other kids in the pool...kind of like bumper cars. ;)

She kept her sunglasses on the for the first time...
On Saturday our neighbors were at the pool so she got to play with Alston and Emma...two of her favorite people.
Owen was there too...

Daddy dunked her for the first time, and she did great!

On Sunday she was Miss Social Butterfly.  She would not stay away from this group of kids...look at her looking up at them!
Then this little 14 month old boy came to sit by the pool, and Ella kept going over to wave at him (she is still obsessed with boys, which frankly scares me)...
Then she decided that waving wasn't close enough so she kept trying to crawl out of the pool while still in her floatie!  She could do it too, even with the step (oh yeah, last weekend she also climbed the entire flight of stairs in our house).

We're going to meet up with Devon and Kaitlyn at the pool tomorrow, so it will be 3 days in a row!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Homemade Baby Food?

I was never into making baby food...I just never thought it was necessary with all the healthy pre-made options out there...why spend the time, you know?  But now that Ella refuses to eat cut up vegetables, and I want to stop feeding her smooth purees (she's getting too old for that!), I decided to invent a little vegetable meal, and she loves it!  I used:

*Green beans (her favorite)
*Butternut squash
*Quinoa (gluten free and more protein than meat!)

I steamed just to al dente all the vegetables in the microwave, threw them in the food processor, added 1 tbsp. real butter, about 2-3 tbsp. parmesan cheese, the already steamed quinoa, a pinch of pepper and a pinch of salt and pureed until it was almost pureed but still thick and sort of chunky.  Easy, SUPER healthy, and she loves it! 

Since I have a whole tub of it, I hope she still likes it later.  My awesome eater is becoming SO finicky now!!!  Her favorite thing in the world are those Gerber cheese puff things.  Of course...she loves Cheetos (and cheese) just like mommy. ;)

Here is one of the LCBB pictures I took recently of a bunch of clips I haven't listed yet...coming soon!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Weekend

I took no pictures this weekend!  Friday, Ella and I went to the Woodbury Commons for a little pool party with some girls from our mommy group.  Saturday, we went to really fun bbq at my parents' friends' house- they had tons of food and live music!  We had such a great time until Ella suddenly got hives and all red on her wrist (we still have no idea what from) that she would occasionally bite.  Luckily, it was gone by the next morning...weird.  Sunday, grandma and grandpa babysat because our friends Jen and Allen took us to the Angel game in the Diamond Club, and treated us to the DC's AWESOME brunch buffet...omg, it's so delicious!  I think I ate an entire wheel of Brie cheese. ;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

PLEASE Vote For Me!

Ok, I'm sorry for the shameless self-promotion, but if you read this blog, PLEASE vote for my Etsy store for "Best OC Etsy Store"!  I need all the free advertising I can get. ;)

Just go to the "You've Just Been Spotted" Website:

Then, go to the very bottom where it says, "Speak your Mind".  Type in your Name, email (it won't show your email in the comment section) and in the big blank section, type, " Best OC Etsy Store: http://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleChickenBaby " (you don't need to type anything where it says website).  That's it!

[You can also vote on their Facebook page by 'liking' their FB page and then commenting that my store is the best OC Etsy Store if you REALLY love me or my store!]

I would really appreciate your support!


Love, T

Sunday, August 8, 2010

10 Months Old

That's right...we're just TWO months away from having a one year old!  This kid gets more of a personality every single day.  It's so fun to watch her grow, change, learn.
We don't have a doctor's appointment this week, but we did some unofficial measurements today, and she hasn't grown at all since last month! She still weighs 19-19.5 pounds and is 28 inches. She pretty much wears 6-12 month or 12 month clothing. She is still in a size 3 diaper. Eats the same too...four 6 oz. bottles a day and solids 3 times a day. It's so easy to give her jarred purees and pastas that we pretty much do those all the time.
She is crawling, pulling up and cruising a little bit along the couch. She is still super friendly and doesn't have even an ounce of stranger anxiety. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't like, and she gets bored easily. She is still in love with Rylee, but we're trying to teach her "gentle" because poor Rylee is losing hair in chunks.
We are lucky that she is very easy to take out with us because we really just love being with her. She is our little buddy, and we prefer to be with her than without her! I'm sure we'll eventually be longing for those dates nights alone, but right now, we just want to be with her as much as possible. :)

Birthdays and Brunches

We headed down to San Diego on Saturday for Brett's 2nd birthday (yay!), but it did not start out well.  First, traffic was horrific (as usual on Saturdays), 2 accidents, completely stopped for a majority of the drive, which meant Ella had more time to get bored and fussy.  Since we know Ella doesn't sleep well in the car, we decided we HAD to get one good nap in so we couldn't leave until she woke up at 10 (even though the party started at 11).  Because we were so late, and traffic was SO bad, we decided we had to feed her in the car since pulling over would make us even later.  Of course once she almost finished her bottle, she VOMITED e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.  Twice.  Luckily, I had a bib on her so it mostly got all over the bib, car seat (great) and car.  It was one of those mornings where I honestly thought I was going to start crying because I was getting so frustrated!  We *finally* arrived and had a great time!

As usual, Brett was very sweet and shared his toys with Ella (we have now accepted the fact that we have to get one of these music tables...I thought I could get around it)...
Ella isn't quite ready for the bounce house yet...
Ella spots a balloon...
And must have it...
Brett knows a good thing when he sees it...
Happy birthday Brett!

It turned out to be a good thing that we made Ella nap at home before we left because traffic was also awful on the way home, and Ella only slept for about 35 minutes!

On Sunday, we went to brunch with Kevin, Devon and Kaitlyn...Ella ate lots of my scrambled eggs and didn't throw up...yay!

Ella is 10 months old today!  I'll do her 10 month recap next. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Planning, Panting and Pulling (up)

First, Ella's birthday party planning is well under way, and I'm SO excited!  I won't bore you all with the details, but it's going to be so adorable.  For our friends that read along, please mark your calendars for October 9th (I think at 11:30 a.m.)!

Second, Ella can't talk, can't identify 'mama' or 'dada' but on top of the ability to identify Rylee, she can now PANT like Rylee!  I really need to teach Rylee to talk because anything Rylee does is fascinating and copy worthy to Ella.  We caught a little bit on tape, although she does it much better than this...

Third, Ella now stands up in her crib so it's pretty easy for her to grab her monitor camera...and completely wrap herself up in the cord???

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Happiest Weekend on Earth...

On Friday, Kaitlyn, Mason and Logan came over for a little playdate (and some adult time for the moms!).

On Saturday, we were all over the place, including dinner at Zovs (best meatloaf and potatoes ever!), where Ella drank from a straw in my water glass (thanks for the tip D)!  She also pulled herself up to standing in her crib and on the couch for the very first time!!!  It was a BIG learning day for Little Miss E.

On Sunday, we had our annual firm attorney lunch at Club 33 in DISNEYLAND!  We usually do dinner with just the attorneys and their spouses, but this year, the kids were included for lunch.  We had SO much fun!  It doesn't seem possible, but D-Land is even better with kids!  Grandma and Grandpa met us there too.  We thought it would be awful since it's a Sunday, but the rides had barely any lines at all...it was great!

Ella did not close her eyes the entire time we were there, and we we didn't leave until 5:30.  No nap from 10:00 a.m. until bedtime at 7 p.m., and yet, she didn't even make a whimper all day...ahhhh, the magic of constant stimulation...

Naturally, the requisite photo op at the front of the park...
Julie, Ava, Ella and I at Club 33...
All the attorneys at my firm, minus one...
Mickey and Pluto came to visit us at Club 33, and we were SO happy because getting photos with them in the park is a nightmare!  Look at Ella's face...what ARE those?
Ella's very first ride was Pirates of the Caribbean, which just happens to be my personal favorite. We were so worried that she would get scared or cry, but she just stared and stared at everything going on inside!
Next we went on the Jungle Cruise, which was just ok. Ella was great, but it was hard for her to see anything so I'd probably skip it next time.  Here we are with grandma and grandpa in line...
Another required photo op...the castle...
Our next ride was It's a Small World, which Ella LOVED...that's how she sat the entire time...
This is what you spend most of your time doing when you bring a baby to D-Land...parking the stroller, getting her out, strapping her in, over and over and over...we had another step since Gary LOCKED our stroller with a bike lock at each stop (yes we are that dorky)!
We toured Toon Town, and visited Mickey's house first...Ella and I sitting at the "Mouseway" Piano!
Ella sitting on Mickey's rockin' washing machine with daddy...
Our attempt at a photo with Goofy without having to stand in line ;)
And finally, what D-Land does to adults...poor grandpa!